How to Brand Your Product for a Launch: A Guide to Gradual Success

BlogHow to Brand Your Product for a Launch: A Guide to Gradual Success

How to Brand Your Product for a Launch: A Guide to Gradual Success

Building a product or service? Don't compromise on the elements that define your identity, offerings and target audience.

When you’re building a brand product or service certain elements are non-negotiable. These are the elements that clearly express who you are as a brand, what you have to offer, who you would like to offer your product/service to, and so on.

Take a look at pretty much any major brand you really love and you will see all of these elements working together. Sometimes, they’re subtle and in certain cases, one or two might be missing, but for the most part, you’ll see each element on this list present and working with the others to communicate for the brand.

The way you present your brand with the elements listed above is what your customers associate with your brand, its products, and/or services. Branding elements can be tweaked and adjusted to improve from time to time, but the entirety of the brand elements should not be discarded. For example, brands like Adidas have changed part of their brand but the main three-strip focus has been retained over the years


2) Fonts/Typography

Your font choice has a major influence on your branding. It tells your customer what you’re about. It says a lot about your brand. It’s like a visual shortcut to understanding your brand. It’s worth spending a few extra dollars on a custom font that’s designed specifically for your brand. just like color and text fonts are very critical to your brand so is the font as its the expression that combines the color and the things you have to say, using certain kinds of fonts is important to certain kinds of brands, products, and services for example if you are a food brand you can’t play around with cursive font your fonts have to be bold so your audience can see your product package even from afar. It’s similar in most levels of branding

3) Colors

The right color can make a major difference in your branding. It can evoke an emotion or feeling in your customers, different colors mean different things as Red is seen to be energetic, strong, and vibrant while Yellow is seen to be cool and fun Green is a color associated with financial growth and stability. The best way to choose a color is to do research on color Physiology for the text you had developed previously. A product should have 2 or 3 major colors that communicate the value of the product
For this 99Keys project, we stuck to the original brand colors defined in their brand guide and used a simple approach to communicate the brand's unique selling point.

4) Shapes & Patterns

A pattern is a design element such as a floral pattern or geometric design that can be found throughout your brand. It can be used in your logo, website design, or on your packaging. It’s often used in a way that ties various items together in a cohesive way. it builds and strengthens your brand identity, it may be used to create continuity throughout your brand and products. It can also be used in creating your brand logo, using specific pattern and shape for your brand to create your brand identity in your audience's mind subconsciously

A shape can be used throughout your brand and tied to your logo. For example, a triangle shape could represent stability. it builds and strengthens your brand identity, it can also be used to create continuity throughout your brand and products. It can also be used in creating your brand logo, using specific pattern and shape for your brand to create your brand identity in your audience's mind subconsciously Your Brand Identification Mark (BIM) doesn’t have to include text. For example, Apple’s BIM is the Apple logo: a bitten, green apple. The bitten apple is a play on words and doesn’t include any text.

For the Luya Loops project, we use some line shapes to create a pattern on the product packaging and maintained that patter on the marketing content used on social media.

5) Email

Depending on the type of product you want to create it’s important to have all your information in one place, email is quite important as it’s needed to create social media pages and keep information. the best solution to that is to have a Gmail so you can have the google drive folder and you can put all the information there the text, color, images, logo everything so you can review it over time and after you launch you can keep them for future consideration so it’s important to create one for your product and make use of the google drive

This email should also be the email that controls your social media accounts and preferably should have the same name as (or at least be very close to) your social media accounts and/or your brand

All said and done

When you’re building a brand product or service, certain elements are non-negotiable. These are the elements that clearly express who you are as a brand, what you have to offer, and who you’re for. The name you choose for your brand, the visual symbols you choose, and the design elements you use in your branding all contribute to the overall picture of your brand. The more you understand your brand, the more effective your marketing will be. a strong brand provides direction and focus.

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