Startup Cup is a football tournament of 80 players from 8 start-ups playing for 1 trophy and hosted by Oui Capital in Lagos, Nigeria. This is how we have helped them brand the event

Discovery Meetings
We had our first two discovery meetings to understand what they wanted to be done and set all possible parameters for the project. We decided on things like number of fliers, videos and so on to guide our activities before, during and after the project.

Logo Development & Selection
We created logo options for Oui Capital's team to consider. As usual, we tried to give as many options as possible because we believe our customers should have enough options to consider when setting up the foundation of their brand.

Main Flier Development
While Oui Capital rep considered the logo options we provided, we were at work on the main flier for the event. The main flier's purpose is to essentially serve as the core item that will be used to promote the event. After settling on a concept, we created 8 variations for Oui Capital to use at different points as they see fit as part of the pre-event marketing.

Main Video Production
Next, we proceeded to work on the main video for the event. The main video's purpose is similar to the main flier's – serve as the core of the event marketing. By the end of this post you will find some other options we made available to themFixtures Designs
While Oui Capital reps reviewed the video, we started work on designing the fixtures of the day. As always we provided them with a few options for the fixtures to consider until they found what worked for them. We then created the sponsors and partner designs. At this point, the agreed number of designs we agreed on for the project had become 90% exhausted with the 10% eft allocated to the event day

Event Countdown
We created countdown designs, two videos and some other items. These items were created to further engage people on social media and keep the event buzz going on ahead of the event proper. Oui Capital reps weren't expecting the additional designs they got from us but we are always ready to go above and beyond to serve our clients well.
Event Day Proper
At the event proper, we managed photo and video production. Our work focused on telling the entire story of the event from the setup to the actual matches and the fan interactions.

Post Event Day
After the event we delivered photos of each match and a 3 minute summary vide of the event to Oui Capital's team. These items were delivered in a way to make it easier for Oui Capital and all participating teams to tell their story with respect to participating at the event. Take a look at one of the match highlights below.